Sunday, August 08, 2010

Day 3 — Your parents.

My mom and dad.. They call each other everyday because my dad works overseas in china/hk (and only comes home once a month) and they talk alot about everything.
It's impossible to sum it up like that but I've always thought they're really lucky to have found each other. I want my marriage life to be like this too.

My parents and I aren't close in the sense that I never ever tell them my problems and I still don't think I'll dare to say "I love you" to them, even in letters. I haven't kissed or hugged them for the longest while too. I guess we're close in other ways.

Alot of regrets involved given we're not in the best of situations - my dad works overseas, my brother stays in a hostel, I was going through pubery and my mom menopause and those little things..

If I've got something to say to my mom.... well I wish the past 4 years had been better between us. I don't think there's any point in blaming anyone for the strained relationship but I'm glad it's better now. I used to cry alot whenever I think about how we quarrel every single without fail, how she does not give me privacy, how I know I'm at fault too but whatever she does simply makes me not want to apologize, how I always hated going home because all we'd do is quarrel so I always lock myself in the room. Life was bad for me (with all the problems with my friends etc) and having a screaming mom trying to peep at everything just didn't help then.

Come to think of it, I've been pretty insensitive and all... I could type another long paragraph about how I was in the wrong too. I think I should have a bigger portion in the blame game but blaming wouldn't bring us anywhere. Anyway. We had a long talk involving tears and all over my birthday dinner just two months ago and I'm glad we're on better terms now. It really takes alot for both sides to understand each other since we think so differently but honestly, the most important thing is to let the other party know how you feel. I've never really apologized to her back then but now I'm not afraid to. I still don't open up though.

Well, I could say she's a really cute mom cause she sms-es me when she sees that I'm sad (being me, I wouldn't open up) and her little gestures or things she does for us touches me sometimes (lunchboxes and doing all the household chores and helping us in whatever way she can). One thing I can safely say is that she'll never give up on me and it shows with these things she does. I don't know how to explain it, but I can feel it.

I haven't been the best daughter, not that I'm bad or rebellious, but I'm far too sensitive and emotional, I don't open up to my parents, I'm not responsible, I don't study, I'm lazy... the list goes on. I think I've said hurtful words to her before too. I'm really glad I've grown more mature this year and hopefully our relationship will only get better. I'll end it with a Sorry.

About my dad.. he's been working overseas since I was in sec 2 and comes home only once a month for a period of 2 or 3 days. Honestly speaking, I don't always miss him and I kind of like the freedom I get. It might sound as though we're not close but we are. Well... relatively. We got quite close after I entered JC and began to think alot about life. He's a really great person to talk to cause he's into psychology so he understands and explains things pretty well. He can read people too :D

Okay, at some point in time this year I really wished he would stop working overseas and come home to save the relationship between my mom and I. He always mentions about coming back home too, but there's always the financial needs... I do feel bad when I find myself willing to compromise alittle for the sake of these, and the freedom. I've stopped thinking like that already.

My dad is SO much like me. Our weird emotional needs and what not. He tells me loads of things that don't make sense at first but they do afterwards so I suppose you could say he really understands me alot. No seriously, he's SO MUCH LIKE ME.

don't we look alike?! that was taken 6 years ago :)

I think it really helps to have someone who understands you. But well, things aren't always perfect between us too. Over the same birthday dinner where my family talked things out, he told me he's actually given up on me in terms of my studies. Not because he thinks I'm stupid or incapable, but because he knows it's impossible for me to study and concentrate given all these emotions and thoughts in me. I know he didn't say that to hurt me but it did affect me quite abit. He used to keep emphasizing on the fact that I'm self-centered and it's affect me quite alot too.

Ahh, negative things aside. I just think it's pretty amazing how his words get to the back of my head and reappear at the right times to make me feel better. They're not words of encouragement cause he's never been that kind, just words to help me understand situations better. Those words won't help anybody else, I think.

I'm also glad that they didn't bring me up to be too materialistic (well I guess I was at some point in time but not now), influenced me to be willing to learn about many things etc. I'm excited about having a kid of my own too. Parenting doesn't sound easy at all but I'd LOVE to try. Years later, of course.

All in all, I think my parents have been, and are, great parents. Not perfect of course. (there wouldn't be a definition to perfect anyway, and that isn't want we need). We rarely have dinner together, we rarely go out together as a family but all the things we talk about do make up for everything.

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